About Us
Over the years while building numerous maintenance facilities, I the owner/operator of Rough Rack, was always looking for something to hang all of my tools, rakes, shovels, brooms, squeegees, axes, sledged hammers, and a whole slew of other tools on. Checking all over the place from the internet to specialty catalogues, to the big box stores for home improvement, the choices were few. I could have built a complex peg board with all kinds of lumber and cheap inserts or used pricey individual hooks and track systems that would not hold the weight I needed to support. Then the old saying, "if you want something done right, do it yourself" came to mind. So one night in my garage I came up with a proto-type for Rough Rack. I made some for my home, and some for work and they were perfect. After friend upon friend and countless neighbors asked where they could purchase one of “those racks” a little light went off. Then and there the idea of Rough Rack was born.
Sometime later I was at a friend's gorgeous ski home in Summit County, Colorado. The home was beautiful with an entire garage full of snow sport equipment. From the grandparents (who owned the house) to their six kids and 10 plus grandkids they had skis, poles, snowboards, snow shoes, cross country skis….you get the picture. Many of the skis were stacked in the corner, some on flimsy wooden ski racks and none organized very well. I saw this and thought here is a million dollar home with $10 ski racks that hardly fit all their storage needs. I instantly thought, what if I modified my Rough Racks to hold skis? Of course when I got home I went right to the internet to see what else was out there. What a great feeling when you have an idea and you find that your product is superior to the competition! I could not believe there was nothing out there. That night was spent in the garage listening to music and the Rough Rack for skis/snowboards was created. Now they hang on my wall right next to the original Rough Racks.
Sometime later I was at a friend's gorgeous ski home in Summit County, Colorado. The home was beautiful with an entire garage full of snow sport equipment. From the grandparents (who owned the house) to their six kids and 10 plus grandkids they had skis, poles, snowboards, snow shoes, cross country skis….you get the picture. Many of the skis were stacked in the corner, some on flimsy wooden ski racks and none organized very well. I saw this and thought here is a million dollar home with $10 ski racks that hardly fit all their storage needs. I instantly thought, what if I modified my Rough Racks to hold skis? Of course when I got home I went right to the internet to see what else was out there. What a great feeling when you have an idea and you find that your product is superior to the competition! I could not believe there was nothing out there. That night was spent in the garage listening to music and the Rough Rack for skis/snowboards was created. Now they hang on my wall right next to the original Rough Racks.

You can see these racks can hold
over 100 lbs...I weigh 220!
It is hard to believe how strong Rough Racks are! Thank you very much for visiting our website. I’m sure if you purchase our Rough Racks you will be happy! Like I said, we did not develop these because we wanted to, we developed them because we HAD to. Please email with questions, comments, concerns, help, or ideas. We are a COLORADO BASED business and our success depends on your happiness!